To enroll a Youth in our program they must meet the following requirements:
• Live in Dubois County
• Be between the ages of 6 and 14
• Have an identifiable need for a Mentor (school performance, social skills, self-esteem)
• Complete all necessary paperwork
• Parents and children must participate in an interview
• Staff will determine if the child is eligible for Mentors For Youth services
To enroll a child, the parent or guardian must complete a Youth Application (download as word doc or pdf) and return it to the agency by mail, email, or drop it off in person.
Steps to enroll a child in Mentors For Youth:
Fill out a Youth Application (download as word doc or pdf) for your child or children & Return the application to the Mentors For Youth office
Schedule a parent and child interview
Fill out an online application here:

The Gilbert Verkamp Mentors for Youth of Dubois County Scholarship
Mentors for Youth has been successful in matching children and providing them with positive role models. We have been an integral part in the development of many children. However, an individual’s development does not stop at the end of high school. These children are often faced with an option of getting a job or earning a degree. Additional schooling is an alternative which may sound attractive but not be affordable. Thus, we, believe we could provide an additional service to the children of our community by offering a college scholarship.